DFG Research Training Group Globalization and Literature. Representations, Transformations,  Interventions

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Carolin Fleischer-Heininger, Dr.

Globalization in the epic, dramatic, and cinematic œuvre of Terayama Shūji


Since 2014 Dr. Carolin Fleischer-Heininger works as a Teaching Assistant, Center for Japanese Studies, LMU Munich.

Dissertation Abstract

The artist Terayama Shūji (1935-83) can be described as an important key figure of the intellectual and globalized counter culture in postwar Japan. This former transgressive "anti-hero" has evolved into being highly profiled in the arts and academia of Japan. Not only exhibitions and performances try to capture his work, but also within research and teaching Terayama has become a focal point.
In Europe and North America however Terayama is hardly known. Research on his oeuvre is scarce. The few existing studies deal primarily with Terayama’s dramatic work and therefore do focus on one of the artist’s many fields of work, which include traditional Japanese lyric poetry, narration, essayistic writing, radio plays, movies and photography amongst others. Scientific research, studying Terayama’s work in the context of globalization processes has not been undertaken yet.
This dissertation project is designed to fill this academic void. By means of intermedia studies it intends to filter out his understanding of globalization as well as the entanglements with processes of globalization within his works. For this study I analyze selected literary, dramatic, and cinematic texts by Terayama. Thereby the analysis will focus on the following points:

  1. Terayama Shūjis artistic self performance as a globetrotter;
  2. linguistic, artistic and literary concepts of globalization;
  3. globalization processes at international level (between Japan and the USA as well as between Japan and East Asia);
  4. globalization processes within the locality of the remote northern Japanese Tsugaru region


"Moderne? Globalisierung? Post-Bubble-Japan? Überlegungen zur Produktivität von Epochenbegriffen und deren Konjunkturen für die literaturwissenschaftliche Japanforschung". In: Steffen Döll / Marc Nürnberger (eds.): Weile, ohne zu wohnen: Festschrift für Peter Pörtner zu seinem 66. Geburtstag. Hamburg: OAG (= MOAG 150), 2019, p. 321–357.

with S. Schenk (ed.): 2. Forum für literaturwissenschaftliche Japanforschung: Arbeitspapiere, München: LMU, 2015. Web.

"Transgression, Identifikation, Projektion? Zur Rezeption von Terayama Shūji im Kontext von lokaler, nationaler und globaler Kultur". In: L. Gebhardt, E. Schulz (eds.): Neue Konzepte japanischer Literatur? Nationalliteratur, literarischer Kanon und die Literaturtheorie. Referate des 15. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentags – Literatur II, Berlin: EB Verlag, 2014, S. 165–202.

"Terayama Shūji: Werft die Bücher weg, geht auf die Straßen". In: Kokusai Terayama Shūji Gakkai 国際寺山修司学会: Terayama Shūji kenkyū 6: Botsugo 30 nen kinen tokushū 寺山修司研究第6号:没後30年記念特集, Tōkyō: Bunka Shobō Hakubunsha, 2013, p. 186-230.

"'Satellite Office' auf Zeit: Vom demografischen Wandel im ländlichen Japan" / "Satellite Office: Tackling demographic change in rural Japan". In: DIJ Newsletter, 47, April 2013, http://www.dijtokyo.org/publications/DIJ-NL47_deutsch.pdf, p. 2.

"Demonstrieren gegen die Kernkraft: Vom Vielklang der Gegnerschaft und professionellem Protest". In: Kaihō: Zeitschrift der Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaft in Bayern e. V. (January/February 2013), S. 31–32. Web.