DFG Research Training Group Globalization and Literature. Representations, Transformations,  Interventions

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Teresa Herzgsell

Teresa Herzgsell, M.A.

Cultural Magazines from the Spanish-language Avantgarde as Networks: A Transcontinental Perspective

Dissertation Abstract

In the Spanish-speaking world the beginning of the 20th century marks a time of vivid literary and
artistic production within cultural magazines. The importance of these magazines for the
development of Modernism and the Avantgarde movements must not be underestimated. In Eric
Bulson’s words: "No little magazines, no modernism: it's as simple as that" (Bulson 2017: 1). The PhD
project Cultural Magazines from the Spanish-language Avantgarde as Networks: A Transcontinental
Perspective offers a network perspective on this medium. In doing so magazines are not only seen as
social networks, but above all as independent medial forms shaping networks based on genres. The
contributors, thus, are investigated primarily as producers of texts, and not as much as social actors.
The general goal of the project is to analyze the development of the literary field with special regard
to the transcontinental and intellectual exchange of ideas between Spain and the Spanish-speaking
countries of Latin-America, as well as between the different artistic and political movements within
the Avantgarde movements.

In order to depict the intellectual interconnections that play a significant role in literary
developments, a selected corpus of cultural magazines will be tapped into by means of qualitative
and quantitative approaches. Specifically, this means that digital methods of analysis combined with
literary discourse analysis. In doing so software tools like the network-generating program Gephi, the
DARIAH-Geobrowser as well as the statistical and data gathering functions of Microsoft-Excel will be
applied to visualize networks and to capture global processes of literary exchange and production.
This combined with readings of programmatic and ideological texts from the corpus will connect the
magazines’ ideological self-depictions with their formal and quantifiable structures. Seen in context with the other publications this provides a differentiated picture of the development of the literary field within cultural magazines from an intercontinental perspective.

Short CV

Since 2017 Research assistant at the DFG-funded research project: "Literarische Modernisierungsprozesse und transnationale Netzwerkbildung im Medium der Kulturzeitschrift – vom Modernismo zur Avantgarde" (April 2017 - March 2018 University of Augsburg. Since April 2018 Eberhard Karls University Tübingen)

Since 2016 PhD Candidate at the Research Training Group

2017: M.A. in Ethics of Textual Cultures, University of Augsburg/ Elite Network of Bavaria

2016: M.A. in Comparative Literature, University of Augsburg

2013: B.A. in Comparative Literature, University of Augsburg/ Universidad Santiago de Compostela, Spain


Herzgsell, Teresa (2016): "Digitale Werkzeuge für die Visualisierung von Netzwerken - Anwendungsorientierte Überlegungen in Bezug auf die historische Zeitschriftenforschung." URL: https://www.revistas-culturales.de/de/buchseite/teresa-herzgsell-digitale-werkzeuge-für-die-visualisierung-von-netzwerken

Ehrlicher, Hanno und Teresa Herzgsell (2016): "Zeitschriften als Netzwerke und ihre digitale Visualisierung. Grundlegende methodologische Überlegungen sowie einige Anwendungsbeispiele." URL: https://www.revistas-culturales.de/es/node/50696